• Dr. Bob Kramarczuk

    Dr. Robert (Bohdan) Kramarczuk


    Bob is an American citizen born in the Lviv region of Western Ukraine. In the 1990’s, he helped launch Business Education in that region, had the opportunity to address Ukrainian Parliament on the Country’s 1st Anniversary of its Independence, and served as an advisor to the Ukrainian Cabinet.

    “Since the invasion began, I have spoken with Ivan daily to help facilitate the relief efforts with our diaspora and beyond. Ukraine is the country of my birth, and I ask your help in supporting the critical logistics for channelling support to Ukraine straight away.”

    Dr. Kramarczuk’s international career included teaching at the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Switzerland, running successful businesses, and starting up seven graduate educational programs in the U.S. and abroad.

  • Ivan Vasiunyk

    Ivan Vasiunyk


    Bob’s closest friend, and Godfather to his youngest daughter, Ivan is the former Deputy Prime Minister in Ukraine. He now has a critical leadership role in coordinating humanitarian and light military supplies to Ukraine.

    Ivan is based in Lviv, the nexus for receiving and immediately distributing to areas of greatest need without the complexity of bureaucratic layers.

    Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Charitable Foundation.

    General Director of the Lviv Institute of Management

  • "Humanitarian Initiatives"

    Charity Foundation - "Humanitarian Initiatives"


    The Charitable Foundation “Humanitarian Initiatives” has over 21 years of experience in organizing supporting and implementing charitable projects and humanitarian mission in Ukraine and abroad.

    “Humanitarian Initiatives” urgently requires support in purchasing and transporting non-military goods to the areas most in need.

    In times of peace, the main purpose of the Foundation is to conduct charitable activities in the field of education; science; health care; sports; culture and art.

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